Hos NAU er vi dedikerede til at fremtidssikre demokratiet gennem stærke projekter, der skaber større ungeinddragelse, opkvalificerer ungdomsråd og styrker kulturskabelsen lokalt. Vi tror på, at unge er nøglen til at forme morgendagens samfund, og vores arbejde fokuserer på at give dem de værktøjer, netværk og muligheder, de har brug for til at gøre en forskel.
Vores projekter spænder bredt – fra nationale initiativer, der samler ungdomsråd på tværs af Danmark, til internationale samarbejder, hvor vi skaber relationer og deler viden på tværs af grænser. Fælles for dem alle er ambitionen om at styrke unges stemme i samfundet og skabe bæredygtige løsninger på nutidens og fremtidens udfordringer.
Internationale projekter

Vi arbejder aktivt for at skabe stærke internationale forbindelser, der styrker ungeinddragelsen og ungdomsrådsarbejdet på tværs af landegrænser. Vi tror på, at internationale samarbejder er nøglen til at udvikle nye idéer, dele erfaringer og tackle fælles udfordringer, som unge står overfor i dag.
Vores internationale projektarbejde foregår blandt andet i tæt samarbejde med vores nordiske søsterorganisationer, Nuva ry i Finland og Sveriges Ungdomsråd. Sammen arbejder vi på projekter, der fremmer demokratisk deltagelse, opkvalificerer ungdomsråd og udvikler inddragelsen af unge lokalt.
For at sikre en stærk og målrettet indsats har NAU et dedikeret internationalt udvalg, der har ansvaret for at opbygge og vedligeholde internationale partnerskaber. Du kan læse mere om vores internatioanle udvalg her!
Herunder kan du finde mere om vores internationale arbejde:

The finnish Nuva ry, danish Netværket af Ungdomsråd and swedish Sveriges Ungdomsråd are nordic national organizations that work with youth participation and youth councils. These organizations have been granted a project funding to arrange a weekend-long seminar to deepen the cooperation between the organizations and come up with ideas on how to enhance youth participation.
Main goals of our project is to develop the collaboration between Finnish, Swedish and Danish youth organizations to address common challenges. We will exchange knowledge by sharing best practices and experiences between the organizations and youth councils to improve youth participation, focusing on youth councils on local and regional levels. We will dive into the topics of inclusion, making an impact and effective cooperation.
Participants in this summit are board members and employees of the participating organizations, in addition to other interested young members of the organizations. This is an opportunity for any youth council member to take part in international networking and developing the work of the national youth organizations.
The project will take place on the weekend of 20.-22.9.2024 close to Stockholm, Sweden. The two-night summit will consist of facilitated workshops and innovative discussions between the representatives of each partner organization. All participants will have an active role in the seminar, taking part in discussions, workshops and making presentations.
The seminar is completely free for all participants, including travel, food and accommodation at the seminar.
Who can apply?
We are looking for active and enthusiastic participants that have experience of being in a local or regional youth council. The participants must be ready to share their experiences and ideas about how to improve youth participation and youth council work on a local level. Applicants must be between the ages of 16-20. All participants must be able to discuss the themes of the seminar in English. In addition to the participants from the arranging organizations, a total of 9 people will be selected, 3 from each participating country.
In the application process we will use affirmative action, meaning that minority-group members are given special consideration in the selection processes. This is because the seminar has a theme of inclusion, and we want to hear ideas and thoughts from different perspectives. We encourage people from different backgrounds to apply!
All participants must be able to take part in meetings before and after the seminar, and be present the whole seminar weekend. Dates: pre meeting 3.9. 17.00 (cet), summit 20.-22.9., post-meeting 1.10. 16.00 (cet). By applying you commit to taking part in the seminar if you get selected.
The application is open until 2.6. at 23.59. Please fill the form in English.
For additional information and questions, please contact Marcus Melau from NAU, marcus@nau.dk, phone +45 60 19 46 82